Interface GlobalEventHandlers

    interface GlobalEventHandlers {
        onabort: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: UIEvent) => any);
        onanimationcancel: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any);
        onanimationend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any);
        onanimationiteration: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any);
        onanimationstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any);
        onauxclick: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        onbeforeinput: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: InputEvent) => any);
        onbeforetoggle: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onbeforexrselect: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: XRSessionEvent) => any);
        onblur: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FocusEvent) => any);
        oncancel: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        oncanplay: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        oncanplaythrough: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onchange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onclick: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        onclose: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        oncontextlost: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        oncontextmenu: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        oncontextrestored: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        oncopy: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any);
        oncuechange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        oncut: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any);
        ondblclick: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        ondrag: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any);
        ondragend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any);
        ondragenter: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any);
        ondragleave: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any);
        ondragover: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any);
        ondragstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any);
        ondrop: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any);
        ondurationchange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onemptied: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onended: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onerror: OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull;
        onfocus: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FocusEvent) => any);
        onformdata: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FormDataEvent) => any);
        ongotpointercapture: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any);
        oninput: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        oninvalid: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onkeydown: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any);
        onkeypress: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any);
        onkeyup: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any);
        onload: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onloadeddata: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onloadedmetadata: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onloadstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onlostpointercapture: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any);
        onmousedown: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        onmouseenter: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        onmouseleave: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        onmousemove: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        onmouseout: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        onmouseover: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        onmouseup: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any);
        onpaste: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any);
        onpause: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onplay: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onplaying: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onpointercancel: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any);
        onpointerdown: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any);
        onpointerenter: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any);
        onpointerleave: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any);
        onpointermove: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any);
        onpointerout: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any);
        onpointerover: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any);
        onpointerup: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any);
        onprogress: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ProgressEvent<EventTarget>) => any);
        onratechange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onreset: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onresize: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: UIEvent) => any);
        onscroll: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onscrollend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onsecuritypolicyviolation: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: SecurityPolicyViolationEvent) => any);
        onseeked: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onseeking: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onselect: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onselectionchange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onselectstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onslotchange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onstalled: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onsubmit: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: SubmitEvent) => any);
        onsuspend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        ontimeupdate: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        ontoggle: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        ontouchcancel?: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any);
        ontouchend?: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any);
        ontouchmove?: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any);
        ontouchstart?: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any);
        ontransitioncancel: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any);
        ontransitionend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any);
        ontransitionrun: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any);
        ontransitionstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any);
        onvolumechange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onwaiting: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onwebkitanimationend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onwebkitanimationiteration: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onwebkitanimationstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onwebkittransitionend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any);
        onwheel: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: WheelEvent) => any);
        addEventListener<K>(type: K, listener: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: GlobalEventHandlersEventMap[K]) => any), options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
        addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
        removeEventListener<K>(type: K, listener: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: GlobalEventHandlersEventMap[K]) => any), options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void;
        removeEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void;


    onabort: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: UIEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user aborts the download.

    Type declaration

    onanimationcancel: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any)
    onanimationend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any)
    onanimationiteration: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any)
    onanimationstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any)
    onauxclick: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)
    onbeforeinput: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: InputEvent) => any)
    onbeforetoggle: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    onbeforexrselect: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: XRSessionEvent) => any)

    An XRSessionEvent of type beforexrselect is dispatched on the DOM overlay element before generating a WebXR selectstart input event if the -Z axis of the input source's targetRaySpace intersects the DOM overlay element at the time the input device's primary action is triggered.

    onblur: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FocusEvent) => any)

    Fires when the object loses the input focus.

    Type declaration

    oncancel: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    oncanplay: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when playback is possible, but would require further buffering.

    Type declaration

    oncanplaythrough: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    onchange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Fires when the contents of the object or selection have changed.

    Type declaration

    onclick: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object

    Type declaration

    onclose: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    oncontextlost: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    oncontextmenu: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user clicks the right mouse button in the client area, opening the context menu.

    Type declaration

    oncontextrestored: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    oncopy: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any)
    oncuechange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    oncut: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any)
    ondblclick: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user double-clicks the object.

    Type declaration

    ondrag: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any)

    Fires on the source object continuously during a drag operation.

    Type declaration

    ondragend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any)

    Fires on the source object when the user releases the mouse at the close of a drag operation.

    Type declaration

    ondragenter: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any)

    Fires on the target element when the user drags the object to a valid drop target.

    Type declaration

    ondragleave: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any)

    Fires on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of a valid drop target during a drag operation.

    Type declaration

    ondragover: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any)

    Fires on the target element continuously while the user drags the object over a valid drop target.

    Type declaration

    ondragstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any)

    Fires on the source object when the user starts to drag a text selection or selected object.

    Type declaration

    ondrop: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any)
    ondurationchange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the duration attribute is updated.

    Type declaration

    onemptied: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the media element is reset to its initial state.

    Type declaration

    onended: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the end of playback is reached.

    Type declaration

    Fires when an error occurs during object loading.

    The event.

    MDN Reference

    onfocus: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FocusEvent) => any)

    Fires when the object receives focus.

    Type declaration

    onformdata: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FormDataEvent) => any)
    ongotpointercapture: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any)
    oninput: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    oninvalid: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    onkeydown: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user presses a key.

    Type declaration

    onkeypress: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key.

    Type declaration

    MDN Reference

    onkeyup: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user releases a key.

    Type declaration

    onload: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Fires immediately after the browser loads the object.

    Type declaration

    onloadeddata: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when media data is loaded at the current playback position.

    Type declaration

    onloadedmetadata: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the duration and dimensions of the media have been determined.

    Type declaration

    onloadstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when Internet Explorer begins looking for media data.

    Type declaration

    onlostpointercapture: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any)
    onmousedown: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button.

    Type declaration

    onmouseenter: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)
    onmouseleave: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)
    onmousemove: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user moves the mouse over the object.

    Type declaration

    onmouseout: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.

    Type declaration

    onmouseover: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.

    Type declaration

    onmouseup: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any)

    Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object.

    Type declaration

    onpaste: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any)
    onpause: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when playback is paused.

    Type declaration

    onplay: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the play method is requested.

    Type declaration

    onplaying: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the audio or video has started playing.

    Type declaration

    onpointercancel: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any)
    onpointerdown: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any)
    onpointerenter: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any)
    onpointerleave: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any)
    onpointermove: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any)
    onpointerout: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any)
    onpointerover: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any)
    onpointerup: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any)
    onprogress: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ProgressEvent<EventTarget>) => any)

    Occurs to indicate progress while downloading media data.

    Type declaration

    onratechange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the playback rate is increased or decreased.

    Type declaration

    onreset: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Fires when the user resets a form.

    Type declaration

    onresize: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: UIEvent) => any)
    onscroll: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Fires when the user repositions the scroll box in the scroll bar on the object.

    Type declaration

    onscrollend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    onsecuritypolicyviolation: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: SecurityPolicyViolationEvent) => any)
    onseeked: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the seek operation ends.

    Type declaration

    onseeking: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the current playback position is moved.

    Type declaration

    onselect: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Fires when the current selection changes.

    Type declaration

    onselectionchange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    onselectstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    onslotchange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    onstalled: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the download has stopped.

    Type declaration

    onsubmit: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: SubmitEvent) => any)
    onsuspend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs if the load operation has been intentionally halted.

    Type declaration

    ontimeupdate: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs to indicate the current playback position.

    Type declaration

    ontoggle: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)
    ontouchcancel?: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any)
    ontouchend?: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any)
    ontouchmove?: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any)
    ontouchstart?: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any)
    ontransitioncancel: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any)
    ontransitionend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any)
    ontransitionrun: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any)
    ontransitionstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any)
    onvolumechange: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when the volume is changed, or playback is muted or unmuted.

    Type declaration

    onwaiting: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    Occurs when playback stops because the next frame of a video resource is not available.

    Type declaration

    onwebkitanimationend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    This is a legacy alias of onanimationend.

    MDN Reference

    onwebkitanimationiteration: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    This is a legacy alias of onanimationiteration.

    MDN Reference

    onwebkitanimationstart: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    This is a legacy alias of onanimationstart.

    MDN Reference

    onwebkittransitionend: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any)

    This is a legacy alias of ontransitionend.

    MDN Reference

    onwheel: ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: WheelEvent) => any)
