Interface GPUBufferBindingLayout

    interface GPUBufferBindingLayout {
        hasDynamicOffset?: boolean;
        minBindingSize?: number;
        type?: GPUBufferBindingType;


    hasDynamicOffset?: boolean

    Indicates whether this binding requires a dynamic offset.

    minBindingSize?: number

    Indicates the minimum GPUBufferBinding#size of a buffer binding used with this bind point. Bindings are always validated against this size in GPUDevice#createBindGroup. If this is not 0, pipeline creation additionally [$validating shader binding|validates$] that this value ≥ the minimum buffer binding size of the variable. If this is 0, it is ignored by pipeline creation, and instead draw/dispatch commands [$Validate encoder bind groups|validate$] that each binding in the GPUBindGroup satisfies the minimum buffer binding size of the variable. Note: Similar execution-time validation is theoretically possible for other binding-related fields specified for early validation, like GPUTextureBindingLayout#sampleType and GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout#format, which currently can only be validated in pipeline creation. However, such execution-time validation could be costly or unnecessarily complex, so it is available only for GPUBufferBindingLayout#minBindingSize which is expected to have the most ergonomic impact.

    Indicates the type required for buffers bound to this bindings.