Interface GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor

    interface GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor {
        colorFormats: Iterable<GPUTextureFormat>;
        depthReadOnly?: boolean;
        depthStencilFormat?: GPUTextureFormat;
        label?: string;
        sampleCount?: number;
        stencilReadOnly?: boolean;


    colorFormats: Iterable<GPUTextureFormat>

    A list of the GPUTextureFormats of the color attachments for this pass or bundle.

    depthReadOnly?: boolean

    If true, indicates that the render bundle does not modify the depth component of the GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment of any render pass the render bundle is executed in. See read-only depth-stencil.

    depthStencilFormat?: GPUTextureFormat

    The GPUTextureFormat of the depth/stencil attachment for this pass or bundle.

    label?: string

    The initial value of GPUObjectBase.label.

    sampleCount?: number

    Number of samples per pixel in the attachments for this pass or bundle.

    stencilReadOnly?: boolean

    If true, indicates that the render bundle does not modify the stencil component of the GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment of any render pass the render bundle is executed in. See read-only depth-stencil.