Provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement object interface it inherits) for manipulating elements, representing a pair of a key and a value that acts as a parameter for an element. DeprecatedMDN Reference interface HTMLParamElement { accessKey: string; accessKeyLabel: string; ariaAtomic: string; ariaAutoComplete: string; ariaBrailleLabel: string; ariaBrailleRoleDescription: string; ariaBusy: string; ariaChecked: string; ariaColCount: string; ariaColIndex: string; ariaColIndexText: string; ariaColSpan: string; ariaCurrent: string; ariaDescription: string; ariaDisabled: string; ariaExpanded: string; ariaHasPopup: string; ariaHidden: string; ariaInvalid: string; ariaKeyShortcuts: string; ariaLabel: string; ariaLevel: string; ariaLive: string; ariaModal: string; ariaMultiLine: string; ariaMultiSelectable: string; ariaOrientation: string; ariaPlaceholder: string; ariaPosInSet: string; ariaPressed: string; ariaReadOnly: string; ariaRequired: string; ariaRoleDescription: string; ariaRowCount: string; ariaRowIndex: string; ariaRowIndexText: string; ariaRowSpan: string; ariaSelected: string; ariaSetSize: string; ariaSort: string; ariaValueMax: string; ariaValueMin: string; ariaValueNow: string; ariaValueText: string; assignedSlot: HTMLSlotElement; ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2; attributes: NamedNodeMap; attributeStyleMap: StylePropertyMap; autocapitalize: string; autofocus: boolean; baseURI: string; CDATA_SECTION_NODE: 4; childElementCount: number; childNodes: NodeListOf<ChildNode>; children: HTMLCollection; classList: DOMTokenList; className: string; clientHeight: number; clientLeft: number; clientTop: number; clientWidth: number; COMMENT_NODE: 8; contentEditable: string; currentCSSZoom: number; dataset: DOMStringMap; dir: string; DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 11; DOCUMENT_NODE: 9; DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY: 16; DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS: 8; DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED: 1; DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING: 4; DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC: 32; DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING: 2; DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 10; draggable: boolean; ELEMENT_NODE: 1; enterKeyHint: string; ENTITY_NODE: 6; ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5; firstChild: ChildNode; firstElementChild: Element; hidden: boolean; id: string; inert: boolean; innerHTML: string; innerText: string; inputMode: string; isConnected: boolean; isContentEditable: boolean; lang: string; lastChild: ChildNode; lastElementChild: Element; localName: string; name: string; namespaceURI: string; nextElementSibling: Element; nextSibling: ChildNode; nodeName: string; nodeType: number; nodeValue: string; nonce?: string; NOTATION_NODE: 12; offsetHeight: number; offsetLeft: number; offsetParent: Element; offsetTop: number; offsetWidth: number; onabort: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: UIEvent) => any; onanimationcancel: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any; onanimationend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any; onanimationiteration: ( this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent, ) => any; onanimationstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => any; onauxclick: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; onbeforeinput: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: InputEvent) => any; onbeforetoggle: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onbeforexrselect: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: XRSessionEvent) => any; onblur: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FocusEvent) => any; oncancel: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; oncanplay: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; oncanplaythrough: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onchange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onclick: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; onclose: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; oncontextlost: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; oncontextmenu: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; oncontextrestored: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; oncopy: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any; oncuechange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; oncut: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any; ondblclick: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; ondrag: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any; ondragend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any; ondragenter: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any; ondragleave: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any; ondragover: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any; ondragstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any; ondrop: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => any; ondurationchange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onemptied: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onended: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onerror: OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull; onfocus: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FocusEvent) => any; onformdata: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FormDataEvent) => any; onfullscreenchange: (this: Element, ev: Event) => any; onfullscreenerror: (this: Element, ev: Event) => any; ongotpointercapture: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any; oninput: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; oninvalid: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onkeydown: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any; onkeypress: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any; onkeyup: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any; onload: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onloadeddata: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onloadedmetadata: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onloadstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onlostpointercapture: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any; onmousedown: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; onmouseenter: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; onmouseleave: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; onmousemove: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; onmouseout: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; onmouseover: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; onmouseup: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => any; onpaste: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any; onpause: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onplay: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onplaying: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onpointercancel: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any; onpointerdown: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any; onpointerenter: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any; onpointerleave: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any; onpointermove: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any; onpointerout: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any; onpointerover: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any; onpointerup: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => any; onprogress: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ProgressEvent) => any; onratechange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onreset: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onresize: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: UIEvent) => any; onscroll: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onscrollend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onsecuritypolicyviolation: ( this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: SecurityPolicyViolationEvent, ) => any; onseeked: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onseeking: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onselect: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onselectionchange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onselectstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onslotchange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onstalled: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onsubmit: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: SubmitEvent) => any; onsuspend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; ontimeupdate: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; ontoggle: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; ontouchcancel?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any; ontouchend?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any; ontouchmove?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any; ontouchstart?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => any; ontransitioncancel: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any; ontransitionend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any; ontransitionrun: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any; ontransitionstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => any; onvolumechange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onwaiting: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onwebkitanimationend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onwebkitanimationiteration: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onwebkitanimationstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onwebkittransitionend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => any; onwheel: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: WheelEvent) => any; outerHTML: string; outerText: string; ownerDocument: Document; parentElement: HTMLElement; parentNode: ParentNode; part: DOMTokenList; popover: string; prefix: string; previousElementSibling: Element; previousSibling: ChildNode; PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: 7; role: string; scrollHeight: number; scrollLeft: number; scrollTop: number; scrollWidth: number; shadowRoot: ShadowRoot; slot: string; spellcheck: boolean; style: CSSStyleDeclaration; tabIndex: number; tagName: string; TEXT_NODE: 3; textContent: string; title: string; translate: boolean; type: string; value: string; valueType: string; writingSuggestions: string; addEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>( type: K, listener: (this: HTMLParamElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions, ): void; addEventListener( type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions, ): void; after(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): void; animate( keyframes: PropertyIndexedKeyframes | Keyframe[], options?: number | KeyframeAnimationOptions, ): Animation; append(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): void; appendChild<T extends Node>(node: T): T; attachInternals(): ElementInternals; attachShadow(init: ShadowRootInit): ShadowRoot; before(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): void; blur(): void; checkVisibility(options?: CheckVisibilityOptions): boolean; click(): void; cloneNode(deep?: boolean): Node; closest<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>( selector: K, ): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]; closest<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>( selector: K, ): SVGElementTagNameMap[K]; closest<K extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap>( selector: K, ): MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]; closest<E extends Element = Element>(selectors: string): E; compareDocumentPosition(other: Node): number; computedStyleMap(): StylePropertyMapReadOnly; contains(other: Node): boolean; dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean; focus(options?: FocusOptions): void; getAnimations(options?: GetAnimationsOptions): Animation[]; getAttribute(qualifiedName: string): string; getAttributeNames(): string[]; getAttributeNode(qualifiedName: string): Attr; getAttributeNodeNS(namespace: string, localName: string): Attr; getAttributeNS(namespace: string, localName: string): string; getBoundingClientRect(): DOMRect; getClientRects(): DOMRectList; getElementsByClassName(classNames: string): HTMLCollectionOf<Element>; getElementsByTagName<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>( qualifiedName: K, ): HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>; getElementsByTagName<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>( qualifiedName: K, ): HTMLCollectionOf<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>; getElementsByTagName<K extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap>( qualifiedName: K, ): HTMLCollectionOf<MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]>; getElementsByTagName<K extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap>( qualifiedName: K, ): HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]>; getElementsByTagName(qualifiedName: string): HTMLCollectionOf<Element>; getElementsByTagNameNS( namespaceURI: "", localName: string, ): HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElement>; getElementsByTagNameNS( namespaceURI: "", localName: string, ): HTMLCollectionOf<SVGElement>; getElementsByTagNameNS( namespaceURI: "", localName: string, ): HTMLCollectionOf<MathMLElement>; getElementsByTagNameNS( namespace: string, localName: string, ): HTMLCollectionOf<Element>; getHTML(options?: GetHTMLOptions): string; getRootNode(options?: GetRootNodeOptions): Node; hasAttribute(qualifiedName: string): boolean; hasAttributeNS(namespace: string, localName: string): boolean; hasAttributes(): boolean; hasChildNodes(): boolean; hasPointerCapture(pointerId: number): boolean; hidePopover(): void; insertAdjacentElement(where: InsertPosition, element: Element): Element; insertAdjacentHTML(position: InsertPosition, string: string): void; insertAdjacentText(where: InsertPosition, data: string): void; insertBefore<T extends Node>(node: T, child: Node): T; isDefaultNamespace(namespace: string): boolean; isEqualNode(otherNode: Node): boolean; isSameNode(otherNode: Node): boolean; lookupNamespaceURI(prefix: string): string; lookupPrefix(namespace: string): string; matches(selectors: string): boolean; normalize(): void; prepend(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): void; querySelector<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K, ): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]; querySelector<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K, ): SVGElementTagNameMap[K]; querySelector<K extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K, ): MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]; querySelector<K extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap>( selectors: K, ): HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]; querySelector<E extends Element = Element>(selectors: string): E; querySelectorAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K, ): NodeListOf<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>; querySelectorAll<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K, ): NodeListOf<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>; querySelectorAll<K extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K, ): NodeListOf<MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]>; querySelectorAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap>( selectors: K, ): NodeListOf<HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]>; querySelectorAll<E extends Element = Element>( selectors: string, ): NodeListOf<E>; releasePointerCapture(pointerId: number): void; remove(): void; removeAttribute(qualifiedName: string): void; removeAttributeNode(attr: Attr): Attr; removeAttributeNS(namespace: string, localName: string): void; removeChild<T extends Node>(child: T): T; removeEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>( type: K, listener: (this: HTMLParamElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions, ): void; removeEventListener( type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions, ): void; replaceChild<T extends Node>(node: Node, child: T): T; replaceChildren(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): void; replaceWith(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): void; requestFullscreen(options?: FullscreenOptions): Promise<void>; requestPointerLock(options?: PointerLockOptions): Promise<void>; scroll(options?: ScrollToOptions): void; scroll(x: number, y: number): void; scrollBy(options?: ScrollToOptions): void; scrollBy(x: number, y: number): void; scrollIntoView(arg?: boolean | ScrollIntoViewOptions): void; scrollTo(options?: ScrollToOptions): void; scrollTo(x: number, y: number): void; setAttribute(qualifiedName: string, value: string): void; setAttributeNode(attr: Attr): Attr; setAttributeNodeNS(attr: Attr): Attr; setAttributeNS( namespace: string, qualifiedName: string, value: string, ): void; setHTMLUnsafe(html: string): void; setPointerCapture(pointerId: number): void; showPopover(): void; toggleAttribute(qualifiedName: string, force?: boolean): boolean; togglePopover(force?: boolean): boolean; webkitMatchesSelector(selectors: string): boolean;} Hierarchy HTMLElementHTMLParamElement (View Summary) IndexPropertiesaccessKey accessKeyLabel ariaAtomic ariaAutoComplete ariaBrailleLabel ariaBrailleRoleDescription ariaBusy ariaChecked ariaColCount ariaColIndex ariaColIndexText ariaColSpan ariaCurrent ariaDescription ariaDisabled ariaExpanded ariaHasPopup ariaHidden ariaInvalid ariaKeyShortcuts ariaLabel ariaLevel ariaLive ariaModal ariaMultiLine ariaMultiSelectable ariaOrientation ariaPlaceholder ariaPosInSet ariaPressed ariaReadOnly ariaRequired ariaRoleDescription ariaRowCount ariaRowIndex ariaRowIndexText ariaRowSpan ariaSelected ariaSetSize ariaSort ariaValueMax ariaValueMin ariaValueNow ariaValueText assignedSlot ATTRIBUTE_NODE attributes attributeStyleMap autocapitalize autofocus baseURI CDATA_SECTION_NODE childElementCount childNodes children classList className clientHeight clientLeft clientTop clientWidth COMMENT_NODE contentEditable currentCSSZoom dataset dir DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE draggable ELEMENT_NODE enterKeyHint ENTITY_NODE ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE firstChild firstElementChild hidden id inert innerHTML innerText inputMode isConnected isContentEditable lang lastChild lastElementChild localName name namespaceURI nextElementSibling nextSibling nodeName nodeType nodeValue nonce? NOTATION_NODE offsetHeight offsetLeft offsetParent offsetTop offsetWidth onabort onanimationcancel onanimationend onanimationiteration onanimationstart onauxclick onbeforeinput onbeforetoggle onbeforexrselect onblur oncancel oncanplay oncanplaythrough onchange onclick onclose oncontextlost oncontextmenu oncontextrestored oncopy oncuechange oncut ondblclick ondrag ondragend ondragenter ondragleave ondragover ondragstart ondrop ondurationchange onemptied onended onerror onfocus onformdata onfullscreenchange onfullscreenerror ongotpointercapture oninput oninvalid onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onloadeddata onloadedmetadata onloadstart onlostpointercapture onmousedown onmouseenter onmouseleave onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onpaste onpause onplay onplaying onpointercancel onpointerdown onpointerenter onpointerleave onpointermove onpointerout onpointerover onpointerup onprogress onratechange onreset onresize onscroll onscrollend onsecuritypolicyviolation onseeked onseeking onselect onselectionchange onselectstart onslotchange onstalled onsubmit onsuspend ontimeupdate ontoggle ontouchcancel? ontouchend? ontouchmove? ontouchstart? ontransitioncancel ontransitionend ontransitionrun ontransitionstart onvolumechange onwaiting onwebkitanimationend onwebkitanimationiteration onwebkitanimationstart onwebkittransitionend onwheel outerHTML outerText ownerDocument parentElement parentNode part popover prefix previousElementSibling previousSibling PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE role scrollHeight scrollLeft scrollTop scrollWidth shadowRoot slot spellcheck style tabIndex tagName TEXT_NODE textContent title translate type value valueType writingSuggestions MethodsaddEventListener after animate append appendChild attachInternals attachShadow before blur checkVisibility click cloneNode closest compareDocumentPosition computedStyleMap contains dispatchEvent focus getAnimations getAttribute getAttributeNames getAttributeNode getAttributeNodeNS getAttributeNS getBoundingClientRect getClientRects getElementsByClassName getElementsByTagName getElementsByTagNameNS getHTML getRootNode hasAttribute hasAttributeNS hasAttributes hasChildNodes hasPointerCapture hidePopover insertAdjacentElement insertAdjacentHTML insertAdjacentText insertBefore isDefaultNamespace isEqualNode isSameNode lookupNamespaceURI lookupPrefix matches normalize prepend querySelector querySelectorAll releasePointerCapture remove removeAttribute removeAttributeNode removeAttributeNS removeChild removeEventListener replaceChild replaceChildren replaceWith requestFullscreen requestPointerLock scroll scrollBy scrollIntoView scrollTo setAttribute setAttributeNode setAttributeNodeNS setAttributeNS setHTMLUnsafe setPointerCapture showPopover toggleAttribute togglePopover webkitMatchesSelector PropertiesaccessKeyaccessKey: stringMDN Reference ReadonlyaccessKeyLabelaccessKeyLabel: stringMDN Reference ariaAtomicariaAtomic: stringMDN Reference ariaAutoCompleteariaAutoComplete: stringMDN Reference ariaBrailleLabelariaBrailleLabel: stringMDN Reference ariaBrailleRoleDescriptionariaBrailleRoleDescription: stringMDN Reference ariaBusyariaBusy: stringMDN Reference ariaCheckedariaChecked: stringMDN Reference ariaColCountariaColCount: stringMDN Reference ariaColIndexariaColIndex: stringMDN Reference ariaColIndexTextariaColIndexText: stringMDN Reference ariaColSpanariaColSpan: stringMDN Reference ariaCurrentariaCurrent: stringMDN Reference ariaDescriptionariaDescription: stringMDN Reference ariaDisabledariaDisabled: stringMDN Reference ariaExpandedariaExpanded: stringMDN Reference ariaHasPopupariaHasPopup: stringMDN Reference ariaHiddenariaHidden: stringMDN Reference ariaInvalidariaInvalid: stringariaKeyShortcutsariaKeyShortcuts: stringMDN Reference ariaLabelariaLabel: stringMDN Reference ariaLevelariaLevel: stringMDN Reference ariaLiveariaLive: stringMDN Reference ariaModalariaModal: stringMDN Reference ariaMultiLineariaMultiLine: stringMDN Reference ariaMultiSelectableariaMultiSelectable: stringMDN Reference ariaOrientationariaOrientation: stringMDN Reference ariaPlaceholderariaPlaceholder: stringMDN Reference ariaPosInSetariaPosInSet: stringMDN Reference ariaPressedariaPressed: stringMDN Reference ariaReadOnlyariaReadOnly: stringMDN Reference ariaRequiredariaRequired: stringMDN Reference ariaRoleDescriptionariaRoleDescription: stringMDN Reference ariaRowCountariaRowCount: stringMDN Reference ariaRowIndexariaRowIndex: stringMDN Reference ariaRowIndexTextariaRowIndexText: stringMDN Reference ariaRowSpanariaRowSpan: stringMDN Reference ariaSelectedariaSelected: stringMDN Reference ariaSetSizeariaSetSize: stringMDN Reference ariaSortariaSort: stringMDN Reference ariaValueMaxariaValueMax: stringMDN Reference ariaValueMinariaValueMin: stringMDN Reference ariaValueNowariaValueNow: stringMDN Reference ariaValueTextariaValueText: stringMDN Reference ReadonlyassignedSlotassignedSlot: HTMLSlotElementMDN Reference ReadonlyATTRIBUTE_NODEATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2Readonlyattributesattributes: NamedNodeMapMDN Reference ReadonlyattributeStyleMapattributeStyleMap: StylePropertyMapMDN Reference autocapitalizeautocapitalize: stringMDN Reference autofocusautofocus: booleanMDN Reference ReadonlybaseURIbaseURI: stringReturns node's node document's document base URL. MDN Reference ReadonlyCDATA_SECTION_NODECDATA_SECTION_NODE: 4node is a CDATASection node. ReadonlychildElementCountchildElementCount: numberMDN Reference ReadonlychildNodeschildNodes: NodeListOf<ChildNode>Returns the children. MDN Reference Readonlychildrenchildren: HTMLCollectionReturns the child elements. MDN Reference ReadonlyclassListclassList: DOMTokenListAllows for manipulation of element's class content attribute as a set of whitespace-separated tokens through a DOMTokenList object. MDN Reference classNameclassName: stringReturns the value of element's class content attribute. Can be set to change it. MDN Reference ReadonlyclientHeightclientHeight: numberMDN Reference ReadonlyclientLeftclientLeft: numberMDN Reference ReadonlyclientTopclientTop: numberMDN Reference ReadonlyclientWidthclientWidth: numberMDN Reference ReadonlyCOMMENT_NODECOMMENT_NODE: 8node is a Comment node. contentEditablecontentEditable: stringMDN Reference ReadonlycurrentCSSZoomcurrentCSSZoom: numberMDN Reference Readonlydatasetdataset: DOMStringMapMDN Reference dirdir: stringMDN Reference ReadonlyDOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODEDOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 11node is a DocumentFragment node. ReadonlyDOCUMENT_NODEDOCUMENT_NODE: 9node is a document. ReadonlyDOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BYDOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY: 16Set when other is a descendant of node. ReadonlyDOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINSDOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS: 8Set when other is an ancestor of node. ReadonlyDOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTEDDOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED: 1Set when node and other are not in the same tree. ReadonlyDOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWINGDOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING: 4Set when other is following node. ReadonlyDOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFICDOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC: 32ReadonlyDOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDINGDOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING: 2Set when other is preceding node. ReadonlyDOCUMENT_TYPE_NODEDOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 10node is a doctype. draggabledraggable: booleanMDN Reference ReadonlyELEMENT_NODEELEMENT_NODE: 1node is an element. enterKeyHintenterKeyHint: stringMDN Reference ReadonlyENTITY_NODEENTITY_NODE: 6ReadonlyENTITY_REFERENCE_NODEENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5ReadonlyfirstChildfirstChild: ChildNodeReturns the first child. MDN Reference ReadonlyfirstElementChildfirstElementChild: ElementReturns the first child that is an element, and null otherwise. MDN Reference hiddenhidden: booleanMDN Reference idid: stringReturns the value of element's id content attribute. Can be set to change it. MDN Reference inertinert: booleanMDN Reference innerHTMLinnerHTML: stringMDN Reference innerTextinnerText: stringMDN Reference inputModeinputMode: stringMDN Reference ReadonlyisConnectedisConnected: booleanReturns true if node is connected and false otherwise. MDN Reference ReadonlyisContentEditableisContentEditable: booleanMDN Reference langlang: stringMDN Reference ReadonlylastChildlastChild: ChildNodeReturns the last child. MDN Reference ReadonlylastElementChildlastElementChild: ElementReturns the last child that is an element, and null otherwise. MDN Reference ReadonlylocalNamelocalName: stringReturns the local name. MDN Reference namename: stringSets or retrieves the name of an input parameter for an element. DeprecatedReadonlynamespaceURInamespaceURI: stringReturns the namespace. MDN Reference ReadonlynextElementSiblingnextElementSibling: ElementReturns the first following sibling that is an element, and null otherwise. MDN Reference ReadonlynextSiblingnextSibling: ChildNodeReturns the next sibling. MDN Reference ReadonlynodeNamenodeName: stringReturns a string appropriate for the type of node. MDN Reference ReadonlynodeTypenodeType: numberReturns the type of node. MDN Reference nodeValuenodeValue: stringMDN Reference Optionalnoncenonce?: stringMDN Reference ReadonlyNOTATION_NODENOTATION_NODE: 12ReadonlyoffsetHeightoffsetHeight: numberMDN Reference ReadonlyoffsetLeftoffsetLeft: numberMDN Reference ReadonlyoffsetParentoffsetParent: ElementMDN Reference ReadonlyoffsetTopoffsetTop: numberMDN Reference ReadonlyoffsetWidthoffsetWidth: numberMDN Reference onabortonabort: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: UIEvent) => anyFires when the user aborts the download. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: UIEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: UIEventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonanimationcancelonanimationcancel: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => anyMDN Reference onanimationendonanimationend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => anyMDN Reference onanimationiterationonanimationiteration: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => anyMDN Reference onanimationstartonanimationstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: AnimationEvent) => anyMDN Reference onauxclickonauxclick: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyMDN Reference onbeforeinputonbeforeinput: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: InputEvent) => anyMDN Reference onbeforetoggleonbeforetoggle: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference onbeforexrselectonbeforexrselect: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: XRSessionEvent) => anyAn XRSessionEvent of type beforexrselect is dispatched on the DOM overlay element before generating a WebXR selectstart input event if the -Z axis of the input source's targetRaySpace intersects the DOM overlay element at the time the input device's primary action is triggered. onbluronblur: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FocusEvent) => anyFires when the object loses the input focus. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FocusEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: FocusEventThe focus event. MDN Reference Returns anyoncanceloncancel: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference oncanplayoncanplay: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when playback is possible, but would require further buffering. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyoncanplaythroughoncanplaythrough: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference onchangeonchange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyFires when the contents of the object or selection have changed. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonclickonclick: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyFires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: MouseEventThe mouse event. MDN Reference Returns anyoncloseonclose: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference oncontextlostoncontextlost: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference oncontextmenuoncontextmenu: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyFires when the user clicks the right mouse button in the client area, opening the context menu. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: MouseEventThe mouse event. MDN Reference Returns anyoncontextrestoredoncontextrestored: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference oncopyoncopy: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => anyMDN Reference oncuechangeoncuechange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference oncutoncut: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => anyMDN Reference ondblclickondblclick: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyFires when the user double-clicks the object. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: MouseEventThe mouse event. MDN Reference Returns anyondragondrag: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => anyFires on the source object continuously during a drag operation. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: DragEventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyondragendondragend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => anyFires on the source object when the user releases the mouse at the close of a drag operation. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: DragEventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyondragenterondragenter: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => anyFires on the target element when the user drags the object to a valid drop target. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: DragEventThe drag event. MDN Reference Returns anyondragleaveondragleave: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => anyFires on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of a valid drop target during a drag operation. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: DragEventThe drag event. MDN Reference Returns anyondragoverondragover: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => anyFires on the target element continuously while the user drags the object over a valid drop target. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: DragEventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyondragstartondragstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => anyFires on the source object when the user starts to drag a text selection or selected object. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: DragEventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyondropondrop: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: DragEvent) => anyMDN Reference ondurationchangeondurationchange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the duration attribute is updated. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonemptiedonemptied: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the media element is reset to its initial state. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonendedonended: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the end of playback is reached. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event MDN Reference Returns anyonerroronerror: OnErrorEventHandlerNonNullFires when an error occurs during object loading. Param: evThe event. MDN Reference onfocusonfocus: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FocusEvent) => anyFires when the object receives focus. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FocusEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: FocusEventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonformdataonformdata: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: FormDataEvent) => anyMDN Reference onfullscreenchangeonfullscreenchange: (this: Element, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference onfullscreenerroronfullscreenerror: (this: Element, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference ongotpointercaptureongotpointercapture: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => anyMDN Reference oninputoninput: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference oninvalidoninvalid: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference onkeydownonkeydown: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => anyFires when the user presses a key. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: KeyboardEventThe keyboard event MDN Reference Returns anyonkeypressonkeypress: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => anyFires when the user presses an alphanumeric key. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: KeyboardEventThe event. Returns anyDeprecatedMDN Reference onkeyuponkeyup: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent) => anyFires when the user releases a key. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: KeyboardEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: KeyboardEventThe keyboard event MDN Reference Returns anyonloadonload: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyFires immediately after the browser loads the object. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonloadeddataonloadeddata: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when media data is loaded at the current playback position. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonloadedmetadataonloadedmetadata: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the duration and dimensions of the media have been determined. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonloadstartonloadstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when Internet Explorer begins looking for media data. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonlostpointercaptureonlostpointercapture: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => anyMDN Reference onmousedownonmousedown: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyFires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: MouseEventThe mouse event. MDN Reference Returns anyonmouseenteronmouseenter: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyMDN Reference onmouseleaveonmouseleave: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyMDN Reference onmousemoveonmousemove: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyFires when the user moves the mouse over the object. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: MouseEventThe mouse event. MDN Reference Returns anyonmouseoutonmouseout: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyFires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: MouseEventThe mouse event. MDN Reference Returns anyonmouseoveronmouseover: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyFires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: MouseEventThe mouse event. MDN Reference Returns anyonmouseuponmouseup: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => anyFires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: MouseEventThe mouse event. MDN Reference Returns anyonpasteonpaste: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ClipboardEvent) => anyMDN Reference onpauseonpause: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when playback is paused. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonplayonplay: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the play method is requested. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonplayingonplaying: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the audio or video has started playing. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonpointercancelonpointercancel: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => anyMDN Reference onpointerdownonpointerdown: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => anyMDN Reference onpointerenteronpointerenter: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => anyMDN Reference onpointerleaveonpointerleave: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => anyMDN Reference onpointermoveonpointermove: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => anyMDN Reference onpointeroutonpointerout: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => anyMDN Reference onpointeroveronpointerover: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => anyMDN Reference onpointeruponpointerup: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent) => anyMDN Reference onprogressonprogress: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ProgressEvent) => anyOccurs to indicate progress while downloading media data. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: ProgressEvent): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: ProgressEventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonratechangeonratechange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the playback rate is increased or decreased. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonresetonreset: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyFires when the user resets a form. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonresizeonresize: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: UIEvent) => anyMDN Reference onscrollonscroll: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyFires when the user repositions the scroll box in the scroll bar on the object. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonscrollendonscrollend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference onsecuritypolicyviolationonsecuritypolicyviolation: ( this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: SecurityPolicyViolationEvent,) => anyMDN Reference onseekedonseeked: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the seek operation ends. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonseekingonseeking: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the current playback position is moved. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonselectonselect: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyFires when the current selection changes. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonselectionchangeonselectionchange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference onselectstartonselectstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference onslotchangeonslotchange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference onstalledonstalled: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the download has stopped. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonsubmitonsubmit: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: SubmitEvent) => anyMDN Reference onsuspendonsuspend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs if the load operation has been intentionally halted. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyontimeupdateontimeupdate: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs to indicate the current playback position. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyontoggleontoggle: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyMDN Reference Optionalontouchcancelontouchcancel?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => anyMDN Reference Optionalontouchendontouchend?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => anyMDN Reference Optionalontouchmoveontouchmove?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => anyMDN Reference Optionalontouchstartontouchstart?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TouchEvent) => anyMDN Reference ontransitioncancelontransitioncancel: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => anyMDN Reference ontransitionendontransitionend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => anyMDN Reference ontransitionrunontransitionrun: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => anyMDN Reference ontransitionstartontransitionstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: TransitionEvent) => anyMDN Reference onvolumechangeonvolumechange: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when the volume is changed, or playback is muted or unmuted. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonwaitingonwaiting: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyOccurs when playback stops because the next frame of a video resource is not available. Type declaration(this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event): anyParametersthis: GlobalEventHandlersev: EventThe event. MDN Reference Returns anyonwebkitanimationendonwebkitanimationend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyDeprecatedThis is a legacy alias of onanimationend. MDN Reference onwebkitanimationiterationonwebkitanimationiteration: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyDeprecatedThis is a legacy alias of onanimationiteration. MDN Reference onwebkitanimationstartonwebkitanimationstart: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyDeprecatedThis is a legacy alias of onanimationstart. MDN Reference onwebkittransitionendonwebkittransitionend: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: Event) => anyDeprecatedThis is a legacy alias of ontransitionend. MDN Reference onwheelonwheel: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: WheelEvent) => anyMDN Reference outerHTMLouterHTML: stringMDN Reference outerTextouterText: stringMDN Reference ReadonlyownerDocumentownerDocument: DocumentReturns the node document. Returns null for documents. MDN Reference ReadonlyparentElementparentElement: HTMLElementReturns the parent element. MDN Reference ReadonlyparentNodeparentNode: ParentNodeReturns the parent. MDN Reference Readonlypartpart: DOMTokenListMDN Reference popoverpopover: stringMDN Reference Readonlyprefixprefix: stringReturns the namespace prefix. MDN Reference ReadonlypreviousElementSiblingpreviousElementSibling: ElementReturns the first preceding sibling that is an element, and null otherwise. MDN Reference ReadonlypreviousSiblingpreviousSibling: ChildNodeReturns the previous sibling. MDN Reference ReadonlyPROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODEPROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: 7node is a ProcessingInstruction node. rolerole: stringReadonlyscrollHeightscrollHeight: numberMDN Reference scrollLeftscrollLeft: numberMDN Reference scrollTopscrollTop: numberMDN Reference ReadonlyscrollWidthscrollWidth: numberMDN Reference ReadonlyshadowRootshadowRoot: ShadowRootReturns element's shadow root, if any, and if shadow root's mode is "open", and null otherwise. MDN Reference slotslot: stringReturns the value of element's slot content attribute. Can be set to change it. MDN Reference spellcheckspellcheck: booleanMDN Reference Readonlystylestyle: CSSStyleDeclarationMDN Reference tabIndextabIndex: numberMDN Reference ReadonlytagNametagName: stringReturns the HTML-uppercased qualified name. MDN Reference ReadonlyTEXT_NODETEXT_NODE: 3node is a Text node. textContenttextContent: stringMDN Reference titletitle: stringMDN Reference translatetranslate: booleanMDN Reference typetype: stringSets or retrieves the content type of the resource designated by the value attribute. Deprecatedvaluevalue: stringSets or retrieves the value of an input parameter for an element. DeprecatedvalueTypevalueType: stringSets or retrieves the data type of the value attribute. DeprecatedwritingSuggestionswritingSuggestions: string MethodsaddEventListeneraddEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>( type: K, listener: (this: HTMLParamElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,): voidAppends an event listener for events whose type attribute value is type. The callback argument sets the callback that will be invoked when the event is dispatched. The options argument sets listener-specific options. For compatibility this can be a boolean, in which case the method behaves exactly as if the value was specified as options's capture. When set to true, options's capture prevents callback from being invoked when the event's eventPhase attribute value is BUBBLING_PHASE. When false (or not present), callback will not be invoked when event's eventPhase attribute value is CAPTURING_PHASE. Either way, callback will be invoked if event's eventPhase attribute value is AT_TARGET. When set to true, options's passive indicates that the callback will not cancel the event by invoking preventDefault(). This is used to enable performance optimizations described in § 2.8 Observing event listeners. When set to true, options's once indicates that the callback will only be invoked once after which the event listener will be removed. If an AbortSignal is passed for options's signal, then the event listener will be removed when signal is aborted. The event listener is appended to target's event listener list and is not appended if it has the same type, callback, and capture. MDN Reference Type ParametersK extends keyof HTMLElementEventMapParameterstype: Klistener: (this: HTMLParamElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => anyOptionaloptions: boolean | AddEventListenerOptionsReturns voidaddEventListener( type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,): voidAppends an event listener for events whose type attribute value is type. The callback argument sets the callback that will be invoked when the event is dispatched. The options argument sets listener-specific options. For compatibility this can be a boolean, in which case the method behaves exactly as if the value was specified as options's capture. When set to true, options's capture prevents callback from being invoked when the event's eventPhase attribute value is BUBBLING_PHASE. When false (or not present), callback will not be invoked when event's eventPhase attribute value is CAPTURING_PHASE. Either way, callback will be invoked if event's eventPhase attribute value is AT_TARGET. When set to true, options's passive indicates that the callback will not cancel the event by invoking preventDefault(). This is used to enable performance optimizations described in § 2.8 Observing event listeners. When set to true, options's once indicates that the callback will only be invoked once after which the event listener will be removed. If an AbortSignal is passed for options's signal, then the event listener will be removed when signal is aborted. The event listener is appended to target's event listener list and is not appended if it has the same type, callback, and capture. MDN Reference Parameterstype: stringlistener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObjectOptionaloptions: boolean | AddEventListenerOptionsReturns voidafterafter(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): voidInserts nodes just after node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes. Throws a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException if the constraints of the node tree are violated. MDN Reference Parameters...nodes: (string | Node)[]Returns voidanimateanimate( keyframes: PropertyIndexedKeyframes | Keyframe[], options?: number | KeyframeAnimationOptions,): AnimationMDN Reference Parameterskeyframes: PropertyIndexedKeyframes | Keyframe[]Optionaloptions: number | KeyframeAnimationOptionsReturns Animationappendappend(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): voidInserts nodes after the last child of node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes. Throws a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException if the constraints of the node tree are violated. MDN Reference Parameters...nodes: (string | Node)[]Returns voidappendChildappendChild<T extends Node>(node: T): TMDN Reference Type ParametersT extends NodeParametersnode: TReturns TattachInternalsattachInternals(): ElementInternalsMDN Reference Returns ElementInternalsattachShadowattachShadow(init: ShadowRootInit): ShadowRootCreates a shadow root for element and returns it. MDN Reference Parametersinit: ShadowRootInitReturns ShadowRootbeforebefore(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): voidInserts nodes just before node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes. Throws a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException if the constraints of the node tree are violated. MDN Reference Parameters...nodes: (string | Node)[]Returns voidblurblur(): voidMDN Reference Returns voidcheckVisibilitycheckVisibility(options?: CheckVisibilityOptions): booleanMDN Reference ParametersOptionaloptions: CheckVisibilityOptionsReturns booleanclickclick(): voidMDN Reference Returns voidcloneNodecloneNode(deep?: boolean): NodeReturns a copy of node. If deep is true, the copy also includes the node's descendants. MDN Reference ParametersOptionaldeep: booleanReturns Nodeclosestclosest<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>( selector: K,): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]Returns the first (starting at element) inclusive ancestor that matches selectors, and null otherwise. MDN Reference Type ParametersK extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMapParametersselector: KReturns HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]closest<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>( selector: K,): SVGElementTagNameMap[K]Type ParametersK extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMapParametersselector: KReturns SVGElementTagNameMap[K]closest<K extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap>( selector: K,): MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]Type ParametersK extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMapParametersselector: KReturns MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]closest<E extends Element = Element>(selectors: string): EType ParametersE extends Element = ElementParametersselectors: stringReturns EcompareDocumentPositioncompareDocumentPosition(other: Node): numberReturns a bitmask indicating the position of other relative to node. MDN Reference Parametersother: NodeReturns numbercomputedStyleMapcomputedStyleMap(): StylePropertyMapReadOnlyMDN Reference Returns StylePropertyMapReadOnlycontainscontains(other: Node): booleanReturns true if other is an inclusive descendant of node, and false otherwise. MDN Reference Parametersother: NodeReturns booleandispatchEventdispatchEvent(event: Event): booleanDispatches a synthetic event event to target and returns true if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked, and false otherwise. MDN Reference Parametersevent: EventReturns booleanfocusfocus(options?: FocusOptions): voidMDN Reference ParametersOptionaloptions: FocusOptionsReturns voidgetAnimationsgetAnimations(options?: GetAnimationsOptions): Animation[]MDN Reference ParametersOptionaloptions: GetAnimationsOptionsReturns Animation[]getAttributegetAttribute(qualifiedName: string): stringReturns element's first attribute whose qualified name is qualifiedName, and null if there is no such attribute otherwise. MDN Reference ParametersqualifiedName: stringReturns stringgetAttributeNamesgetAttributeNames(): string[]Returns the qualified names of all element's attributes. Can contain duplicates. MDN Reference Returns string[]getAttributeNodegetAttributeNode(qualifiedName: string): AttrMDN Reference ParametersqualifiedName: stringReturns AttrgetAttributeNodeNSgetAttributeNodeNS(namespace: string, localName: string): AttrMDN Reference Parametersnamespace: stringlocalName: stringReturns AttrgetAttributeNSgetAttributeNS(namespace: string, localName: string): stringReturns element's attribute whose namespace is namespace and local name is localName, and null if there is no such attribute otherwise. MDN Reference Parametersnamespace: stringlocalName: stringReturns stringgetBoundingClientRectgetBoundingClientRect(): DOMRectMDN Reference Returns DOMRectgetClientRectsgetClientRects(): DOMRectListMDN Reference Returns DOMRectListgetElementsByClassNamegetElementsByClassName(classNames: string): HTMLCollectionOf<Element>Returns a HTMLCollection of the elements in the object on which the method was invoked (a document or an element) that have all the classes given by classNames. The classNames argument is interpreted as a space-separated list of classes. MDN Reference ParametersclassNames: stringReturns HTMLCollectionOf<Element>getElementsByTagNamegetElementsByTagName<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>( qualifiedName: K,): HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>MDN Reference Type ParametersK extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMapParametersqualifiedName: KReturns HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>getElementsByTagName<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>( qualifiedName: K,): HTMLCollectionOf<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>Type ParametersK extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMapParametersqualifiedName: KReturns HTMLCollectionOf<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>getElementsByTagName<K extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap>( qualifiedName: K,): HTMLCollectionOf<MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]>Type ParametersK extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMapParametersqualifiedName: KReturns HTMLCollectionOf<MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]>getElementsByTagName<K extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap>( qualifiedName: K,): HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]>Type ParametersK extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMapParametersqualifiedName: KReturns HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]>DeprecatedgetElementsByTagName(qualifiedName: string): HTMLCollectionOf<Element>ParametersqualifiedName: stringReturns HTMLCollectionOf<Element>getElementsByTagNameNSgetElementsByTagNameNS( namespaceURI: "", localName: string,): HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElement>MDN Reference ParametersnamespaceURI: ""localName: stringReturns HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElement>getElementsByTagNameNS( namespaceURI: "", localName: string,): HTMLCollectionOf<SVGElement>ParametersnamespaceURI: ""localName: stringReturns HTMLCollectionOf<SVGElement>getElementsByTagNameNS( namespaceURI: "", localName: string,): HTMLCollectionOf<MathMLElement>ParametersnamespaceURI: ""localName: stringReturns HTMLCollectionOf<MathMLElement>getElementsByTagNameNS( namespace: string, localName: string,): HTMLCollectionOf<Element>Parametersnamespace: stringlocalName: stringReturns HTMLCollectionOf<Element>getHTMLgetHTML(options?: GetHTMLOptions): stringMDN Reference ParametersOptionaloptions: GetHTMLOptionsReturns stringgetRootNodegetRootNode(options?: GetRootNodeOptions): NodeReturns node's root. MDN Reference ParametersOptionaloptions: GetRootNodeOptionsReturns NodehasAttributehasAttribute(qualifiedName: string): booleanReturns true if element has an attribute whose qualified name is qualifiedName, and false otherwise. MDN Reference ParametersqualifiedName: stringReturns booleanhasAttributeNShasAttributeNS(namespace: string, localName: string): booleanReturns true if element has an attribute whose namespace is namespace and local name is localName. MDN Reference Parametersnamespace: stringlocalName: stringReturns booleanhasAttributeshasAttributes(): booleanReturns true if element has attributes, and false otherwise. MDN Reference Returns booleanhasChildNodeshasChildNodes(): booleanReturns whether node has children. MDN Reference Returns booleanhasPointerCapturehasPointerCapture(pointerId: number): booleanMDN Reference ParameterspointerId: numberReturns booleanhidePopoverhidePopover(): voidMDN Reference Returns voidinsertAdjacentElementinsertAdjacentElement(where: InsertPosition, element: Element): ElementMDN Reference Parameterswhere: InsertPositionelement: ElementReturns ElementinsertAdjacentHTMLinsertAdjacentHTML(position: InsertPosition, string: string): voidMDN Reference Parametersposition: InsertPositionstring: stringReturns voidinsertAdjacentTextinsertAdjacentText(where: InsertPosition, data: string): voidMDN Reference Parameterswhere: InsertPositiondata: stringReturns voidinsertBeforeinsertBefore<T extends Node>(node: T, child: Node): TMDN Reference Type ParametersT extends NodeParametersnode: Tchild: NodeReturns TisDefaultNamespaceisDefaultNamespace(namespace: string): booleanMDN Reference Parametersnamespace: stringReturns booleanisEqualNodeisEqualNode(otherNode: Node): booleanReturns whether node and otherNode have the same properties. MDN Reference ParametersotherNode: NodeReturns booleanisSameNodeisSameNode(otherNode: Node): booleanMDN Reference ParametersotherNode: NodeReturns booleanlookupNamespaceURIlookupNamespaceURI(prefix: string): stringMDN Reference Parametersprefix: stringReturns stringlookupPrefixlookupPrefix(namespace: string): stringMDN Reference Parametersnamespace: stringReturns stringmatchesmatches(selectors: string): booleanReturns true if matching selectors against element's root yields element, and false otherwise. MDN Reference Parametersselectors: stringReturns booleannormalizenormalize(): voidRemoves empty exclusive Text nodes and concatenates the data of remaining contiguous exclusive Text nodes into the first of their nodes. MDN Reference Returns voidprependprepend(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): voidInserts nodes before the first child of node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes. Throws a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException if the constraints of the node tree are violated. MDN Reference Parameters...nodes: (string | Node)[]Returns voidquerySelectorquerySelector<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K,): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]Returns the first element that is a descendant of node that matches selectors. MDN Reference Type ParametersK extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMapParametersselectors: KReturns HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]querySelector<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K,): SVGElementTagNameMap[K]Type ParametersK extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMapParametersselectors: KReturns SVGElementTagNameMap[K]querySelector<K extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K,): MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]Type ParametersK extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMapParametersselectors: KReturns MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]querySelector<K extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap>( selectors: K,): HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]Type ParametersK extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMapParametersselectors: KReturns HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]DeprecatedquerySelector<E extends Element = Element>(selectors: string): EType ParametersE extends Element = ElementParametersselectors: stringReturns EquerySelectorAllquerySelectorAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K,): NodeListOf<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>Returns all element descendants of node that match selectors. MDN Reference Type ParametersK extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMapParametersselectors: KReturns NodeListOf<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>querySelectorAll<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K,): NodeListOf<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>Type ParametersK extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMapParametersselectors: KReturns NodeListOf<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>querySelectorAll<K extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap>( selectors: K,): NodeListOf<MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]>Type ParametersK extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMapParametersselectors: KReturns NodeListOf<MathMLElementTagNameMap[K]>querySelectorAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap>( selectors: K,): NodeListOf<HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]>Type ParametersK extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMapParametersselectors: KReturns NodeListOf<HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]>DeprecatedquerySelectorAll<E extends Element = Element>(selectors: string): NodeListOf<E>Type ParametersE extends Element = ElementParametersselectors: stringReturns NodeListOf<E>releasePointerCapturereleasePointerCapture(pointerId: number): voidMDN Reference ParameterspointerId: numberReturns voidremoveremove(): voidRemoves node. MDN Reference Returns voidremoveAttributeremoveAttribute(qualifiedName: string): voidRemoves element's first attribute whose qualified name is qualifiedName. MDN Reference ParametersqualifiedName: stringReturns voidremoveAttributeNoderemoveAttributeNode(attr: Attr): AttrMDN Reference Parametersattr: AttrReturns AttrremoveAttributeNSremoveAttributeNS(namespace: string, localName: string): voidRemoves element's attribute whose namespace is namespace and local name is localName. MDN Reference Parametersnamespace: stringlocalName: stringReturns voidremoveChildremoveChild<T extends Node>(child: T): TMDN Reference Type ParametersT extends NodeParameterschild: TReturns TremoveEventListenerremoveEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>( type: K, listener: (this: HTMLParamElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions,): voidRemoves the event listener in target's event listener list with the same type, callback, and options. MDN Reference Type ParametersK extends keyof HTMLElementEventMapParameterstype: Klistener: (this: HTMLParamElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => anyOptionaloptions: boolean | EventListenerOptionsReturns voidremoveEventListener( type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions,): voidRemoves the event listener in target's event listener list with the same type, callback, and options. MDN Reference Parameterstype: stringlistener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObjectOptionaloptions: boolean | EventListenerOptionsReturns voidreplaceChildreplaceChild<T extends Node>(node: Node, child: T): TMDN Reference Type ParametersT extends NodeParametersnode: Nodechild: TReturns TreplaceChildrenreplaceChildren(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): voidReplace all children of node with nodes, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes. Throws a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException if the constraints of the node tree are violated. MDN Reference Parameters...nodes: (string | Node)[]Returns voidreplaceWithreplaceWith(...nodes: (string | Node)[]): voidReplaces node with nodes, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes. Throws a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException if the constraints of the node tree are violated. MDN Reference Parameters...nodes: (string | Node)[]Returns voidrequestFullscreenrequestFullscreen(options?: FullscreenOptions): Promise<void>Displays element fullscreen and resolves promise when done. When supplied, options's navigationUI member indicates whether showing navigation UI while in fullscreen is preferred or not. If set to "show", navigation simplicity is preferred over screen space, and if set to "hide", more screen space is preferred. User agents are always free to honor user preference over the application's. The default value "auto" indicates no application preference. MDN Reference ParametersOptionaloptions: FullscreenOptionsReturns Promise<void>requestPointerLockrequestPointerLock(options?: PointerLockOptions): Promise<void>MDN Reference ParametersOptionaloptions: PointerLockOptionsReturns Promise<void>scrollscroll(options?: ScrollToOptions): voidMDN Reference ParametersOptionaloptions: ScrollToOptionsReturns voidscroll(x: number, y: number): voidParametersx: numbery: numberReturns voidscrollByscrollBy(options?: ScrollToOptions): voidMDN Reference ParametersOptionaloptions: ScrollToOptionsReturns voidscrollBy(x: number, y: number): voidParametersx: numbery: numberReturns voidscrollIntoViewscrollIntoView(arg?: boolean | ScrollIntoViewOptions): voidMDN Reference ParametersOptionalarg: boolean | ScrollIntoViewOptionsReturns voidscrollToscrollTo(options?: ScrollToOptions): voidMDN Reference ParametersOptionaloptions: ScrollToOptionsReturns voidscrollTo(x: number, y: number): voidParametersx: numbery: numberReturns voidsetAttributesetAttribute(qualifiedName: string, value: string): voidSets the value of element's first attribute whose qualified name is qualifiedName to value. MDN Reference ParametersqualifiedName: stringvalue: stringReturns voidsetAttributeNodesetAttributeNode(attr: Attr): AttrMDN Reference Parametersattr: AttrReturns AttrsetAttributeNodeNSsetAttributeNodeNS(attr: Attr): AttrMDN Reference Parametersattr: AttrReturns AttrsetAttributeNSsetAttributeNS(namespace: string, qualifiedName: string, value: string): voidSets the value of element's attribute whose namespace is namespace and local name is localName to value. MDN Reference Parametersnamespace: stringqualifiedName: stringvalue: stringReturns voidsetHTMLUnsafesetHTMLUnsafe(html: string): voidMDN Reference Parametershtml: stringReturns voidsetPointerCapturesetPointerCapture(pointerId: number): voidMDN Reference ParameterspointerId: numberReturns voidshowPopovershowPopover(): voidMDN Reference Returns voidtoggleAttributetoggleAttribute(qualifiedName: string, force?: boolean): booleanIf force is not given, "toggles" qualifiedName, removing it if it is present and adding it if it is not present. If force is true, adds qualifiedName. If force is false, removes qualifiedName. Returns true if qualifiedName is now present, and false otherwise. MDN Reference ParametersqualifiedName: stringOptionalforce: booleanReturns booleantogglePopovertogglePopover(force?: boolean): booleanMDN Reference ParametersOptionalforce: booleanReturns booleanwebkitMatchesSelectorwebkitMatchesSelector(selectors: string): booleanParametersselectors: stringReturns booleanDeprecatedThis is a legacy alias of matches. MDN Reference SettingsMember VisibilityInheritedThemeOSLightDarkOn This PagePropertiesaccessKeyaccessKeyLabelariaAtomicariaAutoCompleteariaBrailleLabelariaBrailleRoleDescriptionariaBusyariaCheckedariaColCountariaColIndexariaColIndexTextariaColSpanariaCurrentariaDescriptionariaDisabledariaExpandedariaHasPopupariaHiddenariaInvalidariaKeyShortcutsariaLabelariaLevelariaLiveariaModalariaMultiLineariaMultiSelectableariaOrientationariaPlaceholderariaPosInSetariaPressedariaReadOnlyariaRequiredariaRoleDescriptionariaRowCountariaRowIndexariaRowIndexTextariaRowSpanariaSelectedariaSetSizeariaSortariaValueMaxariaValueMinariaValueNowariaValueTextassignedSlotATTRIBUTE_NODEattributesattributeStyleMapautocapitalizeautofocusbaseURICDATA_SECTION_NODEchildElementCountchildNodeschildrenclassListclassNameclientHeightclientLeftclientTopclientWidthCOMMENT_NODEcontentEditablecurrentCSSZoomdatasetdirDOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODEDOCUMENT_NODEDOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BYDOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINSDOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTEDDOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWINGDOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFICDOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDINGDOCUMENT_TYPE_NODEdraggableELEMENT_NODEenterKeyHintENTITY_NODEENTITY_REFERENCE_NODEfirstChildfirstElementChildhiddenidinertinnerHTMLinnerTextinputModeisConnectedisContentEditablelanglastChildlastElementChildlocalNamenamenamespaceURInextElementSiblingnextSiblingnodeNamenodeTypenodeValuenonceNOTATION_NODEoffsetHeightoffsetLeftoffsetParentoffsetTopoffsetWidthonabortonanimationcancelonanimationendonanimationiterationonanimationstartonauxclickonbeforeinputonbeforetoggleonbeforexrselectonbluroncanceloncanplayoncanplaythroughonchangeonclickoncloseoncontextlostoncontextmenuoncontextrestoredoncopyoncuechangeoncutondblclickondragondragendondragenterondragleaveondragoverondragstartondropondurationchangeonemptiedonendedonerroronfocusonformdataonfullscreenchangeonfullscreenerrorongotpointercaptureoninputoninvalidonkeydownonkeypressonkeyuponloadonloadeddataonloadedmetadataonloadstartonlostpointercaptureonmousedownonmouseenteronmouseleaveonmousemoveonmouseoutonmouseoveronmouseuponpasteonpauseonplayonplayingonpointercancelonpointerdownonpointerenteronpointerleaveonpointermoveonpointeroutonpointeroveronpointeruponprogressonratechangeonresetonresizeonscrollonscrollendonsecuritypolicyviolationonseekedonseekingonselectonselectionchangeonselectstartonslotchangeonstalledonsubmitonsuspendontimeupdateontoggleontouchcancelontouchendontouchmoveontouchstartontransitioncancelontransitionendontransitionrunontransitionstartonvolumechangeonwaitingonwebkitanimationendonwebkitanimationiterationonwebkitanimationstartonwebkittransitionendonwheelouterHTMLouterTextownerDocumentparentElementparentNodepartpopoverprefixpreviousElementSiblingpreviousSiblingPROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODErolescrollHeightscrollLeftscrollTopscrollWidthshadowRootslotspellcheckstyletabIndextagNameTEXT_NODEtextContenttitletranslatetypevaluevalueTypewritingSuggestionsMethodsaddEventListenerafteranimateappendappendChildattachInternalsattachShadowbeforeblurcheckVisibilityclickcloneNodeclosestcompareDocumentPositioncomputedStyleMapcontainsdispatchEventfocusgetAnimationsgetAttributegetAttributeNamesgetAttributeNodegetAttributeNodeNSgetAttributeNSgetBoundingClientRectgetClientRectsgetElementsByClassNamegetElementsByTagNamegetElementsByTagNameNSgetHTMLgetRootNodehasAttributehasAttributeNShasAttributeshasChildNodeshasPointerCapturehidePopoverinsertAdjacentElementinsertAdjacentHTMLinsertAdjacentTextinsertBeforeisDefaultNamespaceisEqualNodeisSameNodelookupNamespaceURIlookupPrefixmatchesnormalizeprependquerySelectorquerySelectorAllreleasePointerCaptureremoveremoveAttributeremoveAttributeNoderemoveAttributeNSremoveChildremoveEventListenerreplaceChildreplaceChildrenreplaceWithrequestFullscreenrequestPointerLockscrollscrollByscrollIntoViewscrollTosetAttributesetAttributeNodesetAttributeNodeNSsetAttributeNSsetHTMLUnsafesetPointerCaptureshowPopovertoggleAttributetogglePopoverwebkitMatchesSelectorTypescript Library Declarations (DOM)
MDN Reference
Returns node's node document's document base URL.
node is a CDATASection node.
Returns the children.
Returns the child elements.
Allows for manipulation of element's class content attribute as a set of whitespace-separated tokens through a DOMTokenList object.
Returns the value of element's class content attribute. Can be set to change it.
node is a Comment node.
node is a DocumentFragment node.
node is a document.
Set when other is a descendant of node.
Set when other is an ancestor of node.
Set when node and other are not in the same tree.
Set when other is following node.
Set when other is preceding node.
node is a doctype.
node is an element.
Returns the first child.
Returns the first child that is an element, and null otherwise.
Returns the value of element's id content attribute. Can be set to change it.
Returns true if node is connected and false otherwise.
Returns the last child.
Returns the last child that is an element, and null otherwise.
Returns the local name.
Sets or retrieves the name of an input parameter for an element.
Returns the namespace.
Returns the first following sibling that is an element, and null otherwise.
Returns the next sibling.
Returns a string appropriate for the type of node.
Returns the type of node.
Fires when the user aborts the download.
The event.
An XRSessionEvent of type beforexrselect is dispatched on the DOM overlay element before generating a WebXR selectstart input event if the -Z axis of the input source's targetRaySpace intersects the DOM overlay element at the time the input device's primary action is triggered.
Fires when the object loses the input focus.
The focus event.
Occurs when playback is possible, but would require further buffering.
Fires when the contents of the object or selection have changed.
Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object
The mouse event.
Fires when the user clicks the right mouse button in the client area, opening the context menu.
Fires when the user double-clicks the object.
Fires on the source object continuously during a drag operation.
Fires on the source object when the user releases the mouse at the close of a drag operation.
Fires on the target element when the user drags the object to a valid drop target.
The drag event.
Fires on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of a valid drop target during a drag operation.
Fires on the target element continuously while the user drags the object over a valid drop target.
Fires on the source object when the user starts to drag a text selection or selected object.
Occurs when the duration attribute is updated.
Occurs when the media element is reset to its initial state.
Occurs when the end of playback is reached.
The event
Fires when an error occurs during object loading.
Fires when the object receives focus.
Fires when the user presses a key.
The keyboard event
Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key.
Fires when the user releases a key.
Fires immediately after the browser loads the object.
Occurs when media data is loaded at the current playback position.
Occurs when the duration and dimensions of the media have been determined.
Occurs when Internet Explorer begins looking for media data.
Fires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button.
Fires when the user moves the mouse over the object.
Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.
Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object.
Occurs when playback is paused.
Occurs when the play method is requested.
Occurs when the audio or video has started playing.
Occurs to indicate progress while downloading media data.
Occurs when the playback rate is increased or decreased.
Fires when the user resets a form.
Fires when the user repositions the scroll box in the scroll bar on the object.
Occurs when the seek operation ends.
Occurs when the current playback position is moved.
Fires when the current selection changes.
Occurs when the download has stopped.
Occurs if the load operation has been intentionally halted.
Occurs to indicate the current playback position.
Occurs when the volume is changed, or playback is muted or unmuted.
Occurs when playback stops because the next frame of a video resource is not available.
This is a legacy alias of onanimationend.
This is a legacy alias of onanimationiteration.
This is a legacy alias of onanimationstart.
This is a legacy alias of ontransitionend.
Returns the node document. Returns null for documents.
Returns the parent element.
Returns the parent.
Returns the namespace prefix.
Returns the first preceding sibling that is an element, and null otherwise.
Returns the previous sibling.
node is a ProcessingInstruction node.
Returns element's shadow root, if any, and if shadow root's mode is "open", and null otherwise.
Returns the value of element's slot content attribute. Can be set to change it.
Returns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.
node is a Text node.
Sets or retrieves the content type of the resource designated by the value attribute.
Sets or retrieves the value of an input parameter for an element.
Sets or retrieves the data type of the value attribute.
Appends an event listener for events whose type attribute value is type. The callback argument sets the callback that will be invoked when the event is dispatched.
The options argument sets listener-specific options. For compatibility this can be a boolean, in which case the method behaves exactly as if the value was specified as options's capture.
When set to true, options's capture prevents callback from being invoked when the event's eventPhase attribute value is BUBBLING_PHASE. When false (or not present), callback will not be invoked when event's eventPhase attribute value is CAPTURING_PHASE. Either way, callback will be invoked if event's eventPhase attribute value is AT_TARGET.
When set to true, options's passive indicates that the callback will not cancel the event by invoking preventDefault(). This is used to enable performance optimizations described in § 2.8 Observing event listeners.
When set to true, options's once indicates that the callback will only be invoked once after which the event listener will be removed.
If an AbortSignal is passed for options's signal, then the event listener will be removed when signal is aborted.
The event listener is appended to target's event listener list and is not appended if it has the same type, callback, and capture.
Inserts nodes just after node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.
Throws a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException if the constraints of the node tree are violated.
Inserts nodes after the last child of node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.
Creates a shadow root for element and returns it.
Inserts nodes just before node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.
Returns a copy of node. If deep is true, the copy also includes the node's descendants.
Returns the first (starting at element) inclusive ancestor that matches selectors, and null otherwise.
Returns a bitmask indicating the position of other relative to node.
Returns true if other is an inclusive descendant of node, and false otherwise.
Dispatches a synthetic event event to target and returns true if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked, and false otherwise.
Returns element's first attribute whose qualified name is qualifiedName, and null if there is no such attribute otherwise.
Returns the qualified names of all element's attributes. Can contain duplicates.
Returns element's attribute whose namespace is namespace and local name is localName, and null if there is no such attribute otherwise.
Returns a HTMLCollection of the elements in the object on which the method was invoked (a document or an element) that have all the classes given by classNames. The classNames argument is interpreted as a space-separated list of classes.
Returns node's root.
Returns true if element has an attribute whose qualified name is qualifiedName, and false otherwise.
Returns true if element has an attribute whose namespace is namespace and local name is localName.
Returns true if element has attributes, and false otherwise.
Returns whether node has children.
Returns whether node and otherNode have the same properties.
Returns true if matching selectors against element's root yields element, and false otherwise.
Removes empty exclusive Text nodes and concatenates the data of remaining contiguous exclusive Text nodes into the first of their nodes.
Inserts nodes before the first child of node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.
Returns the first element that is a descendant of node that matches selectors.
Returns all element descendants of node that match selectors.
Removes node.
Removes element's first attribute whose qualified name is qualifiedName.
Removes element's attribute whose namespace is namespace and local name is localName.
Removes the event listener in target's event listener list with the same type, callback, and options.
Replace all children of node with nodes, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.
Replaces node with nodes, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.
Displays element fullscreen and resolves promise when done.
When supplied, options's navigationUI member indicates whether showing navigation UI while in fullscreen is preferred or not. If set to "show", navigation simplicity is preferred over screen space, and if set to "hide", more screen space is preferred. User agents are always free to honor user preference over the application's. The default value "auto" indicates no application preference.
Sets the value of element's first attribute whose qualified name is qualifiedName to value.
Sets the value of element's attribute whose namespace is namespace and local name is localName to value.
If force is not given, "toggles" qualifiedName, removing it if it is present and adding it if it is not present. If force is true, adds qualifiedName. If force is false, removes qualifiedName.
Returns true if qualifiedName is now present, and false otherwise.
This is a legacy alias of matches.
Provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement object interface it inherits) for manipulating elements, representing a pair of a key and a value that acts as a parameter for an