Interface GPUQueue

    interface GPUQueue {
        __brand: "GPUQueue";
        label: string;
            source: GPUCopyExternalImageSourceInfo,
            destination: GPUCopyExternalImageDestInfo,
            copySize: GPUExtent3DStrict,
        ): undefined;
        onSubmittedWorkDone(): Promise<undefined>;
        submit(commandBuffers: Iterable<GPUCommandBuffer>): undefined;
            buffer: GPUBuffer,
            bufferOffset: number,
            data: SharedArrayBuffer | BufferSource,
            dataOffset?: number,
            size?: number,
        ): undefined;
            destination: GPUTexelCopyTextureInfo,
            data: SharedArrayBuffer | BufferSource,
            dataLayout: GPUTexelCopyBufferLayout,
            size: GPUExtent3DStrict,
        ): undefined;


    __brand: "GPUQueue"
    label: string


    • Issues a copy operation of the contents of a platform image/canvas into the destination texture. This operation performs [[#color-space-conversions|color encoding]] into the destination encoding according to the parameters of GPUCopyExternalImageDestInfo. Copying into a -srgb texture results in the same texture bytes, not the same decoded values, as copying into the corresponding non--srgb format. Thus, after a copy operation, sampling the destination texture has different results depending on whether its format is -srgb, all else unchanged.


      Returns undefined

    • Returns a Promise that resolves once this queue finishes processing all the work submitted up to this moment. Resolution of this Promise implies the completion of GPUBuffer#mapAsync calls made prior to that call, on GPUBuffers last used exclusively on that queue.

      Returns Promise<undefined>

    • Schedules the execution of the command buffers by the GPU on this queue. Submitted command buffers cannot be used again. commandBuffers:


      Returns undefined

    • Issues a write operation of the provided data into a GPUBuffer.


      • buffer: GPUBuffer

        The buffer to write to.

      • bufferOffset: number

        Offset in bytes into buffer to begin writing at.

      • data: SharedArrayBuffer | BufferSource

        Data to write into buffer.

      • OptionaldataOffset: number

        Offset in into data to begin writing from. Given in elements if data is a TypedArray and bytes otherwise.

      • Optionalsize: number

        Size of content to write from data to buffer. Given in elements if data is a TypedArray and bytes otherwise.

      Returns undefined