Interface GPUCopyExternalImageDestInfo

    interface GPUCopyExternalImageDestInfo {
        aspect?: GPUTextureAspect;
        colorSpace?: PredefinedColorSpace;
        mipLevel?: number;
        origin?: GPUOrigin3D;
        premultipliedAlpha?: boolean;
        texture: GPUTexture;


    Defines which aspects of the GPUTexelCopyTextureInfo#texture to copy to/from.

    Describes the color space and encoding used to encode data into the destination texture. This [[#color-space-conversions|may result]] in values outside of the range [0, 1] being written to the target texture, if its format can represent them. Otherwise, the results are clamped to the target texture format's range. Note: If GPUCopyExternalImageDestInfo#colorSpace matches the source image, conversion may not be necessary. See [[#color-space-conversion-elision]].

    mipLevel?: number

    Mip-map level of the GPUTexelCopyTextureInfo#texture to copy to/from.

    origin?: GPUOrigin3D

    Defines the origin of the copy - the minimum corner of the texture sub-region to copy to/from. Together with copySize, defines the full copy sub-region.

    premultipliedAlpha?: boolean

    Describes whether the data written into the texture should have its RGB channels premultiplied by the alpha channel, or not. If this option is set to true and the GPUCopyExternalImageSourceInfo#source is also premultiplied, the source RGB values must be preserved even if they exceed their corresponding alpha values. Note: If GPUCopyExternalImageDestInfo#premultipliedAlpha matches the source image, conversion may not be necessary. See [[#color-space-conversion-elision]].

    texture: GPUTexture

    Texture to copy to/from.