Interface GPUTexture

    interface GPUTexture {
        __brand: "GPUTexture";
        depthOrArrayLayers: number;
        dimension: GPUTextureDimension;
        format: GPUTextureFormat;
        height: number;
        label: string;
        mipLevelCount: number;
        sampleCount: number;
        usage: number;
        width: number;
        createView(descriptor?: GPUTextureViewDescriptor): GPUTextureView;
        destroy(): undefined;


    __brand: "GPUTexture"
    depthOrArrayLayers: number

    The depth or layer count of this GPUTexture.

    The dimension of the set of texel for each of this GPUTexture's subresources.

    The format of this GPUTexture.

    height: number

    The height of this GPUTexture.

    label: string
    mipLevelCount: number

    The number of mip levels of this GPUTexture.

    sampleCount: number

    The number of sample count of this GPUTexture.

    usage: number

    The allowed usages for this GPUTexture.

    width: number

    The width of this GPUTexture.


    • Destroys the GPUTexture.

      Returns undefined