Interface IDBObjectStore

    interface IDBObjectStore {
        autoIncrement: boolean;
        indexNames: DOMStringList;
        keyPath: string | string[];
        name: string;
        transaction: IDBTransaction;
        add(value: any, key?: IDBValidKey): IDBRequest<IDBValidKey>;
        clear(): IDBRequest<undefined>;
        count(query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange): IDBRequest<number>;
            name: string,
            keyPath: string | string[],
            options?: IDBIndexParameters,
        ): IDBIndex;
            name: string,
            keyPath: string | Iterable<string>,
            options?: IDBIndexParameters,
        ): IDBIndex;
        delete(query: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange): IDBRequest<undefined>;
        deleteIndex(name: string): void;
        get(query: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange): IDBRequest;
            query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange,
            count?: number,
        ): IDBRequest<any[]>;
            query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange,
            count?: number,
        ): IDBRequest<IDBValidKey[]>;
        getKey(query: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange): IDBRequest<IDBValidKey>;
        index(name: string): IDBIndex;
            query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange,
            direction?: IDBCursorDirection,
        ): IDBRequest<IDBCursorWithValue>;
            query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange,
            direction?: IDBCursorDirection,
        ): IDBRequest<IDBCursor>;
        put(value: any, key?: IDBValidKey): IDBRequest<IDBValidKey>;


    autoIncrement: boolean

    Returns true if the store has a key generator, and false otherwise.

    MDN Reference

    indexNames: DOMStringList

    Returns a list of the names of indexes in the store.

    MDN Reference

    keyPath: string | string[]

    Returns the key path of the store, or null if none.

    MDN Reference

    name: string

    Returns the name of the store.

    MDN Reference

    transaction: IDBTransaction

    Returns the associated transaction.

    MDN Reference


    • Adds or updates a record in store with the given value and key.

      If the store uses in-line keys and key is specified a "DataError" DOMException will be thrown.

      If put() is used, any existing record with the key will be replaced. If add() is used, and if a record with the key already exists the request will fail, with request's error set to a "ConstraintError" DOMException.

      If successful, request's result will be the record's key.

      MDN Reference


      Returns IDBRequest<IDBValidKey>

    • Creates a new index in store with the given name, keyPath and options and returns a new IDBIndex. If the keyPath and options define constraints that cannot be satisfied with the data already in store the upgrade transaction will abort with a "ConstraintError" DOMException.

      Throws an "InvalidStateError" DOMException if not called within an upgrade transaction.

      MDN Reference


      Returns IDBIndex

    • Creates a new index in store with the given name, keyPath and options and returns a new IDBIndex. If the keyPath and options define constraints that cannot be satisfied with the data already in store the upgrade transaction will abort with a "ConstraintError" DOMException.

      Throws an "InvalidStateError" DOMException if not called within an upgrade transaction.

      MDN Reference


      Returns IDBIndex

    • Deletes the index in store with the given name.

      Throws an "InvalidStateError" DOMException if not called within an upgrade transaction.

      MDN Reference


      • name: string

      Returns void

    • Adds or updates a record in store with the given value and key.

      If the store uses in-line keys and key is specified a "DataError" DOMException will be thrown.

      If put() is used, any existing record with the key will be replaced. If add() is used, and if a record with the key already exists the request will fail, with request's error set to a "ConstraintError" DOMException.

      If successful, request's result will be the record's key.

      MDN Reference


      Returns IDBRequest<IDBValidKey>