Interface GPUImageDataLayout

    interface GPUImageDataLayout {
        bytesPerRow?: number;
        offset?: number;
        rowsPerImage?: number;


    bytesPerRow?: number

    The stride, in bytes, between the beginning of each texel block row and the subsequent texel block row. Required if there are multiple texel block rows (i.e. the copy height or depth is more than one block).

    offset?: number

    The offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the image data source (such as a GPUImageCopyBuffer.buffer) to the start of the image data within that source.

    rowsPerImage?: number

    Number of texel block rows per single texel image of the texture. GPUImageDataLayout#rowsPerImage × GPUImageDataLayout#bytesPerRow is the stride, in bytes, between the beginning of each texel image of data and the subsequent texel image. Required if there are multiple texel images (i.e. the copy depth is more than one).