Interface GPUAdapter

    interface GPUAdapter {
        __brand: "GPUAdapter";
        features: GPUSupportedFeatures;
        info: GPUAdapterInfo;
        isFallbackAdapter: boolean;
        limits: GPUSupportedLimits;
        requestDevice(descriptor?: GPUDeviceDescriptor): Promise<GPUDevice>;


    __brand: "GPUAdapter"

    The set of values in this.GPUAdapter#[[adapter]].adapter#[[features]].

    Information about the physical adapter underlying this GPUAdapter. For a given GPUAdapter, the GPUAdapterInfo values exposed are constant over time. The same object is returned each time. To create that object for the first time:

    **Called on:** GPUAdapter `this`. **Returns:** GPUAdapterInfo Content timeline steps: 1. Return a [$new adapter info$] for `this.adapter`.
    isFallbackAdapter: boolean

    Returns the value of GPUAdapter#[[adapter]].adapter#[[fallback]].

    The limits in this.GPUAdapter#[[adapter]].adapter#[[limits]].
